>October 30 2001

>The recent lack of activity on my site has been due in part to a cracked bone in my arm I suffered a couple of weeks ago. During one of my gang’s regular Sunday battles, I went down hard on my outstretched hand. The force on the distal end of radius forced it back into the capitulum of my humerus, giving me a head-neck fracture, thankfully with no displacement. Ugh. I can tell I am too emotionally involved with Gross Anatomy! What I meant to say is I cracked my elbow and it hurt like a son of a gun.
I had to keep it in a sling for a week so the bone could begin to mend and after a week the doctor told me to start trying to get some movement with it. I also severely strained the collateral ligament which surrounds the elbow and motion has been extremely limited and painful. I still can’t extend or flex it all the way and I can’t rotate my forearm, but I can type fairly comfortably now. Please don’t write and tell me how I’m not young anymore and I have to be more careful! I have heard that enough to where I’m ready to puke. If anyone suggesting that I should give it up can come over here and beat me one-on-one on my home court I will consider it.

School has not really been affected all that much except I didn’t have to do any dissections for a few days. I just held tissue out of the way with my good wing and watched my lab partners work on our cadaver’s now trunkless legs! Angie has been a little bitter about not getting much help lifting Manning though. Oops. Sorry Angie, but I’m back now! Also very special thanks to John B who graciously swapped vehicles with me since I could not drive my stick-shift!

Our third and penultimate exam was given yesterday and I think I did pretty well. The test was on the pelvis and lower limb and now all that we have left is head and neck. We hardly have time to rest though. After our exam last night, we had a study guide for the skull in our mailboxes. The handout is on the Osteology of the skull and is twelve pages on just the bones and features of them in the skull! Today in lab they will assign each of us a skull and we will do four hours of just studying the bones. I am very excited to be three-fourths done with this traditional medical school rite of passage!

About Marcus Lee

Child Neurologist
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